Try - определение. Что такое Try
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Что (кто) такое Try - определение

TRY; Try (song); Try (disambiguation)
Найдено результатов: 198
(tries, trying, tried)
Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
If you try to do something, you want to do it, and you take action which you hope will help you to do it.
He secretly tried to block her advancement in the Party...
Does it annoy you if others do things less well than you would, or don't seem to try hard enough?...
I tried calling him when I got here but he wasn't at home...
No matter how bad you feel, keep trying.
VERB: V to-inf, V adv, V -ing, V
Try is also a noun.
It wasn't that she'd really expected to get any money out of him; it had just seemed worth a try...
To try and do something means to try to do it. (INFORMAL)
I must try and see him.
VERB: V and inf
If you try for something, you make an effort to get it or achieve it.
My partner and I have been trying for a baby for two years...
He said he was going to try for first place next year.
VERB: V for n, V for n
If you try something new or different, you use it, do it, or experience it in order to discover its qualities or effects.
It's best not to try a new recipe for the first time on such an important occasion...
I have tried painting the young shoots with weed poisoner, but this does not kill them off.
VERB: V n, V -ing
Try is also a noun.
If you're still sceptical about exercising, we can only ask you to trust us and give it a try.
N-COUNT: usu sing
If you try a particular place or person, you go to that place or person because you think that they may be able to provide you with what you want.
Have you tried the local music shops?
If you try a door or window, you try to open it.
Bob tried the door. To his surprise it opened.
When a person is tried, he or she has to appear in a law court and is found innocent or guilty after the judge and jury have heard the evidence. When a legal case is tried, it is considered in a court of law.
He suggested that those responsible should be tried for crimes against humanity...
Whether he is innocent or guilty is a decision that will be made when the case is tried in court...
The military court which tried him excluded two of his lawyers...
VERB: be V-ed for n, be V-ed, V n
In the game of rugby, a try is the action of scoring by putting the ball down behind the goal line of the opposing team.
The French, who led 21-3 at half time, scored eight tries.
see also tried
, trying
If you say that something fails but not for want of trying or not for lack of trying, you mean that everything possible was done to make it succeed.
Not all is perfect, but it isn't for want of trying.
PHRASE: with neg, it v-link PHR, PHR with cl
to try your best: see best
to try your hand: see hand
to try your luck: see luck
to try someone's patience: see patience
I. v. a.
Examine, test, prove, make experiment of, make trial of, put to the test, put to proof, prove by experiment.
Experience, have knowledge of (by trial).
Attempt, essay.
(Law.) Hear, examine judicially, adjudicate, adjudge.
Purify, refine.
Subject to trial, put to the test, sound.
II. v. n.
Attempt, endeavor, strive, aim, seek, make an effort, make essay, do one's best, do all that in one lies, strain every nerve.
III. n.
Attempt, experiment, trial, act of trying.
1) to have, make a try at
2) (colloq.) to give it, smt. a try
3) (rugby) to score a try
4) a try at, for
5) a try to + inf. (they made another try to have the decision reversed)
6) (misc.) (AE; colloq.) to give it the old college try ('to make a determined effort')
1) to try hard; to try one's best
2) (D; intr.) ('to attempt') to try for (to try for a prize)
3) (D; tr.) ('to subject to trial') to try for (they tried her for murder)
4) (E) ('to attempt') she tried to telephone us
5) (G) ('to attempt') he tried jogging, but his ankles would hurt USAGE NOTES:
1) The phrase try and do smt. is a colloq. variant of try to do smt., but has no past tense.
2) The sentence she tried to jog usu. means that she never was able to jog; she tried jogging means that she was able to jog, but gave it up after a while.
·noun A screen, or sieve, for grain.
II. Try ·vt Refined; select; excellent; choice.
III. Try ·noun Act of trying; attempt; experiment; trial.
IV. Try ·vi To Do; to Fare; as, how do you try!.
V. Try ·vt To Experience; to have or gain knowledge of by experience.
VI. Try ·vt To subject to severe trial; to put to the test; to cause suffering or trouble to.
VII. Try ·vt To experiment with; to test by use; as, to try a remedy for disease; to try a horse.
VIII. Try ·vt To purify or refine, as metals; to melt out, and procure in a pure state, as oil, tallow, lard, ·etc.
IX. Try ·vt To Essay; to Attempt; to Endeavor.
X. Try ·vi To exert strength; to Endeavor; to make an effort or an attempt; as, you must try hard if you wish to learn.
XI. Try ·vt To Strain; to subject to excessive tests; as, the light tries his eyes; repeated disappointments try one's patience.
XII. Try ·vt To examine or investigate judicially; to examine by witnesses or other judicial evidence and the principles of law; as, to try a cause, or a criminal.
XIII. Try ·vt To divide or separate, as one sort from another; to Winnow; to Sift; to pick out;
- frequently followed by out; as, to try out the wild corn from the good.
XIV. Try ·vt To Settle; to Decide; to Determine; specifically, to decide by an appeal to arms; as, to try rival claims by a duel; to try conclusions.
XV. Try ·vt To prove by experiment; to apply a test to, for the purpose of determining the quality; to Examine; to Prove; to Test; as, to try weights or measures by a standard; to try a man's opinions.
XVI. Try ·add. ·noun In Rugby and Northern Union football, a score (counting three points) made by grounding the ball on or behind the opponent's goal line;
- so called because it entitles the side making it to a place kick for a goal (counting two points more if successful).
¦ verb (tries, trying, tried)
1. make an attempt or effort to do something.
attempt to open (a door), contact (someone), etc.
(try for) attempt to achieve or have: they're trying for another baby.
(try something on) put on an item of clothing to see if it fits or suits one.
2. (also try something out) test (something new or different) to see if it is suitable, effective, or pleasant.
3. make severe demands on: Mary tried everyone's patience to the limit.
4. subject (someone) to trial.
investigate and decide (a case or issue) in a formal trial.
5. smooth (wood) with a plane.
¦ noun (plural tries)
1. an attempt to do or get something.
2. a test of something new or different.
3. Rugby an act of touching the ball down behind the opposing goal line, scoring points and entitling the scoring side to a kick at goal.
American Football an attempt to score an extra point after a touchdown.
tried and tested (or true) having proved effective or reliable before.
try one's hand at attempt to do for the first time.
try it on Brit. informal
1. attempt to seduce someone.
2. deliberately test someone's patience.
ME: from OFr. trier 'sift', of unknown origin.
Try can be followed by either to or and in sentences such as we should try to (or try and) help them. However, some traditionalists regard try and as incorrect, while try to is seen as more appropriate in formal writing. The construction try and is grammatically odd in that it cannot be inflected for tense (e.g. the sentence she tried and fix it is incorrect). For this reason try and is best regarded as a fixed idiom used only in its infinitive and imperative form. See also usage at and.
penalty try         
  • The in-goal area is the rectangular area from the goal line (try line) to the dead ball line. The image shows the markings of a rugby league field.
  • [[Scott Daruda]] kicking a conversion for the [[Western Force]]
  • Wigan]] during their victory over [[Barrow Raiders]]
Penalty try; Penalty Try; Conversion (rugby); Converted try; Try (rugby league); Try (rugby union); Rugby try; Goal from a try
¦ noun Rugby a try awarded to a side when a touchdown is prevented by an offence by the opposition.
Try (rugby)         
  • The in-goal area is the rectangular area from the goal line (try line) to the dead ball line. The image shows the markings of a rugby league field.
  • [[Scott Daruda]] kicking a conversion for the [[Western Force]]
  • Wigan]] during their victory over [[Barrow Raiders]]
Penalty try; Penalty Try; Conversion (rugby); Converted try; Try (rugby league); Try (rugby union); Rugby try; Goal from a try
A try is a way of scoring points in rugby union and rugby league football. A try is scored by grounding the ball in the opposition's in-goal area (on or behind the goal line).
Try (Bebo Norman album)         
Try (album)
Try is the fourth studio album by contemporary Christian musician Bebo Norman. The album is the third with Essential Records, and his fifth album overall including his first independent release.
Try (Blue Rodeo song)         
"Try" is a song written by Greg Keelor and Jim Cuddy, and recorded by Canadian country rock group Blue Rodeo. Released in October 1987, it was the second single from their debut album, Outskirts.
Try (Schiller song)         
"Try" is the first single from the 2010 Schiller gold album Atemlos with vocals by singer Nadia Ali from New York City. The single was officially released on 9 March 2010 and was peaking at number 58 on German Singles Chart in 2010.



Try or TRY may refer to: